Amanda Smyth Reveals why Blogging is a Marathon and not a Sprint

Amanda Smyth – How She Became a Cooker and a Looker!

Podcast Episode 16 – Interview featuring Amanda Smyth, the original Cooker and a Looker

Amanda Smyth: On Being a Food/Mummy Blogger

Amanda is the founder of Blog, Cooker and a Looker. This is blog dedicated to home cooking and the joy that sharing good food brings.  This blog doesn’t take the cake, it drops the cake!  Each post is a little sandwich of family life, food and humour.  Amanda writes fresh, easy recipe ideas that fast become family favourites.

Among the recipes you’ll find plenty of tales about raising two daughters on the farm with her husband.

The Real Amanda

I’m a wife and the mother of two little girls from the Glass House Mountains in

Amanda smyth aussie bloggers podcast

Queensland, Australia.  My husband and I bought a turf farm in 2005.

I named my blog Cooker and a Looker because … at our wedding, my husband joked that as a young boy his footy coach had told him “You can either get a cooker or a looker, you can’t have both”. Five years and two daughters later, I started this blog in May 2012 to prove that I can both cook and look….. after the girls.

I blog because I want an outlet that is solely Amanda.  Just me.  Years ago, I had some “just Amanda” space by merit of my career.  Now I use this tiny spot on the interweb, and I love it.

Head over to the Aussie Bloggers Podcast show and listen to our interview with the lovely Amanda Smyth – who really is a ‘Cooker and a Looker”!

In this episode, you find out:

  • How a dare in 2012 changed her life direction to ‘anything goes’
  • Why blogging is a marathon and not a sprint
  • COP – What a COP is and why it works
  • How to fit blogging in with the rest of your life
  • How to use evernote to keep your blog up to date
  • All about her cookbook “cookerandalooker”
  • About her blogging journey as she discusses what has worked for her
  • Why it’s okay to ‘fear’ posting your blog
  • How it can be okay to hit that ‘publish’ button even when you feel sick


The 3 Top Takeaways from Amanda’s Episode

  1. Amanda shares the good advice she has received from others about blogging over the years
  2. Amanda’s upcoming and successful cookbook, which will be available this month!
  3. To remember that Blogging is a marathon and not a sprint

Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.

Social Media

Cookbook due out in April 2016 – visit the website for more information. 


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