Tan and Amanda Say Goodbye and Reveal Plans for 2017

Podcast Episode 52 – Tan and Amanda Say Goodbye to Aussie Bloggers Podcast

tanja turner aussie bloggers podcast                    aussie bloggers podcast

Tan and Amanda decide to call it quits on Aussie Bloggers Podcast.  In this moving episode, they reveal what guided their decision, why it’s a necessary step and what their plans are for 2017.

Tan and Amanda Discuss:

  • How Tan and Amanda met
  • The story behind how their podcast began
  • Why their partnership worked and how yours can too
  • Why they like to showcase Australian Bloggers instead of American Bloggers
  • Why it’s important to discuss your personalities before you begin
  • How to have an equal partnership
  • Simple tips for learning from You Tube
  • How to discover if your guest is going to be a good fit for your blog or podcast
  • How to find your audience
  • How to avoid RAM (Random Acts of Marketing)
  • Processes you can apply to your own partnerships
  • Why Tan and Amanda don’t micro-manage each other
  • How nuzzle saves Amanda 3 hours of work
  • The step by step process of podcasting
  • How to schedule your own social media posts
  • Why you should remind your partner how good they are
  • Why communication and reliability go hand in hand
  • Why Aussie Bloggers Podcast is ending
  • What is happening in 2017

Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.


Blogger Secrets You Need to Know Part 2

Blogger Secrets Tan and Amanda found in their Reflections on Information Shared by Bloggers: Part 1

Podcast Episode 51 – The fascinating discussion between Tan and Amanda on past bloggers and special secrets revealed…

tanja turner aussie bloggers podcastTanja Turner is a Digital Consultant, blogger and podcaster who supports individuals and small businesses in using Technology. As well as co-hosting the Aussie Bloggers Podcast, she hosts her own radio show once a fortnight at Coach on Fire Radio Network.

Her passion is empowering women who are not sure where to go with technology. She runs courses, workshops and retreats – teaching and training in Podcasting, WordPress, blogging, producing digital content products such as ebooks, and building online courses.

She has won numerous awards for her work in technology and education, and in the past, held the position of chair of the Girls in IT committee, helping raise awareness in IT career paths for girls finishing high school.

She’s based in Brisbane, Australia, where she received her original qualifications of formal education and holds a Diploma of Teaching, Bachelor of Education, and Master of Education (Information Technology). She is also a Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming which she uses to help clients overcome the fear of new technologies.

aussie bloggers podcastAs a blogger, are you wondering …. Can Social Media help me? …. Where to start?

Amanda has gained 11,000 Pinterest followers very quickly and teaches others how they can do this too!

“I have a passion for social media, as a small business owner myself, I can appreciate how confusing social media can be for the average business owner. I love writing and sharing my social media experiences and sharing positive quotes. I’m a social media enthusiast. I have real experience in the trenches of social media for small business, as I manage three businesses of my own online. I’ve built a social media platform of over 30,000 followers across Google+, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest and keeping up to date with all the latest tips and tools is a real challenge.”

Amanda says that there is no fast quick fix solution when it comes to social media, connecting with potential clients or even gaining a large reader base for your blog. It is a lot of hard, focused and consistent work to achieve. She believes that as a small business owner, you owe it to yourself and your family to at least give social media a good six months.”

With Amanda, you will find inspiration, personal reflections and social media education on her blog.

Tan and Amanda reflect on past episodes with:


Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.


Blog Building, Blog Marketing, Twitter, Pinterest and More!

Tan and Amanda Reflect on Information Shared by Bloggers: Part 1

Podcast Episode 50 – An interesting discussion between Tan and Amanda on past bloggers and what worked and what didn’t.

tanja turner aussie bloggers podcastTanja Turner is a Digital Consultant and podcaster who supports individuals and small businesses in using Technology. As well as co-hosting the Aussie Bloggers Podcast, she hosts her own radio show once a fortnight at Coach on Fire Radio Network.

Her passion is empowering women who are not sure where to go with technology. She runs courses, workshops and retreats – teaching and training in Podcasting, WordPress, blogging, producing digital content products such as ebooks, and building online courses.

She has won numerous awards for her work in technology and education, and in the past, held the position of chair of the Girls in IT committee, helping raise awareness in IT career paths for girls finishing high school.

She’s based in Brisbane, Australia, where she received her original qualifications of formal education and holds a Diploma of Teaching, Bachelor of Education, and Master of Education (Information Technology). She is also a Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming which she uses to help clients overcome the fear of new technologies.


aussie bloggers podcastAs a blogger, are you wondering …. Can Social Media help me? …. Where to start?

Amanda has gained 11,000 Pinterest followers very quickly and teaches others how they can do this too!

“I have a passion for social media, as a small business owner myself, I can appreciate how confusing social media can be for the average business owner. I love writing and sharing my social media experiences and sharing positive quotes. I’m a social media enthusiast. I have real experience in the trenches of social media for small business, as I manage three businesses of my own online. I’ve built a social media platform of over 30,000 followers across Google+, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest and keeping up to date with all the latest tips and tools is a real challenge.”

Amanda says that there is no fast quick fix solution when it comes to social media, connecting with potential clients or even gaining a large reader base for your blog. It is a lot of hard, focused and consistent work to achieve. She believes that as a small business owner, you owe it to yourself and your family to at least give social media a good six months.”

With Amanda, you will find inspiration, personal reflections and social media education on her blog.

Tan and Amanda reflect on past episodes with:

Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.


Kathryn Eggins: Fitness, Diet and Travel Blogging

Ever Wondered What a Lifestyle and Wellness Coach Blogs About?

Podcast Episode 48 – Interview featuring amazing blogger, Kathryn Eggins

kathryn eggins aussie bloggers podcast

Kathryn started out as a travel blogger while travelling the world, and now inspires strong, creative and independent women who have big, passionate goals to create the life they want.

A few years ago, I became involved in the fitness industry. I love teaching fun group fitness classes and encouraging other women to take care of themselves. While this is not the main focus of my new blog, it has inspired me to encourage women to see the power they have within themselves.

She travelled the world as an entertainer and event manager, performing on stages throughout Europe and Asia and took up travel blogging because she found reading other people’s tips useful before arriving in a city or town. Kathryn wanted to share her experiences in the hope it would inspire and help others, too.

During her fascinating episode with Kathryn Eggins, we found out:

  • How she got started as a travel blogger
  • What the media suggests about fitness
  • How to get PR for your blog
  • How to reach out to the media through personal stories
  • The best way to write an effective story
  • Where to go to send your press release and who to send it to
  • Ways to find inspiration for blog posts
  • Her thoughts on videoblogging
  • Why she prefers short posts
  • How video posts can work for bloggers and why
  • Words of wisdom about starting a video blog

Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.

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Listen to Last Week’s Episode

Imogen Lamport Talks Style, Blogging and Connecting with Readers

A Must Listen to this Awesome Interview about Style Blogging

Podcast Episode 47 – Interview featuring the amazing and successful stylist, Imogen Lamport!

imogen lamport aussie bloggers podcast

Imogen Lamport is a professionally trained and internationally certified image consultant and this is her story….

“I’ve been working with clients as a personal stylist for over a decade now and love seeing my clients become more stylish, it’s what keeps me here sharing my passion with you as I know that image can be a key to confidence and empowerment for so many women.

Now I didn’t start out stylish, not at all!  In fact I’d say I started out decidedly unstylish, though I’ve always had a passion for clothes and started sewing my own clothes as a teenager.    Fortunately this skill taught me about construction and clothing design, but it was my ‘non-manufacturing standard’ body shape that made me start my quest to discover why my friends, who were the same size as me, looked good in clothes that made me look terrible.  I have been on a quest since I was 16 to discover what made my unique body look and feel great (and it wasn’t my school uniform!).

Fortunately I know that you don’t have to be born with style, you can learn how to be stylish at any age!

Back in the early 1980’s I read the book Colour Me Beautiful which fascinated me and made me realise that there was some kind of science behind the art of style and through my life, through other jobs in publicity (Penguin Books Australia) and communications (CSC) previous to me discovering image consulting, I’ve always been intrigued by the how and why of style.    So when I discovered it soon after my son was born (and he’s now a strapping teenager who is taller than me) I realised that this was the career I’d been looking for all  my life.

After taking training as an image and colour consultant Imogen set up my personal styling business  Bespoke Image.  In 2006, my dedication led me to become President of the AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) Australian chapter. I worked tirelessly to raise the industry’s standards of training and professionalism, bringing the AICI’s First Level Certification exam to Australia. In 2007, I  was honoured as Chapter Member of the Year.   From 2012-2016 I served as VP Business Development on the International Board of AICI.

In 2009, I  was awarded the Certified Image Professional certificate from the AICI, an achievement that acknowledges a highly competent level of training and experience and am  proud to be one of only a handful in Australia to have reached this level.

I also conduct workshops for fashion retailers and retail optometrists, and have been volunteering my time to faciliate workshops with cancer patients through the wonderful Look Good Feel Better organization for the past 10 years.

What I love to do is share my considerable knowledge with everyone from stay-at-home moms to corporate executives so you can get up, get dressed, get out the door, and get on with life feeling and looking great.

Over the past few years I’ve written and published 4 books on style related subjects:  The Finishing Touch: perfecting the art of accessorizingNever Short on Style: dressing and finessing the petite frameTravelling Light: learn the art of packing light and Your Essential Style Guide: 151+ secrets from an image consultant.  Most recently I co-authored the book Svelte in Style: How to Look and Feel Great While Losing Weight‘”

In this fashionably interesting episode, you learn:

  • The science of style through blogging
  • Where her blog first originated
  • How she grew an international audience before her Australian audience
  • Her experiences about blogging and how readers connect with her
  • Blogging and her personal relationships with others
  • How having a mailing list can help monetise your blog
  • Marketing your blog
  • Why Pinterest and Facebook work for her
  • Best tip for growing your subscriber base
  • What sort of content is the best content to create when using optins
  • How to build and retain a community through Facebook Groups
  • How to use Facebook groups to connect your readers together


Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.

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Listen to Last Week’s Episode

Zanni Louise – Children’s Author

Learn the process of book publishing with Zanni Louise

Podcast Episode 39  – Interview featuring Zanni Louise – talking to us all the way from the Netherlands!

zanni louise aussie bloggers podcast

Zanni Louise is an Australian children’s author, currently living in The Netherlands. Her first picture book TOO BUSY SLEEPING is listed as a CBCA Notable Book. Her second book ARCHIE & THE BEAR will be released 2017. Zanni’s blogged at MY LITTLE SUNSHINE HOUSE for seven years. She runs blogging workshops at Byron Bay Writer’s Festival and for various companies. She also writes and edits professionally.

So if you’re wanting to be a superstar writer like Zanni, head over to the Aussie Bloggers Podcast show and listen to our interview with Zanni Louise, the ultimate blogger and writer of our time!


In this episode, you learn:

  • How sharing her parenting experiences led to her blogging opportunities
  • The path from blogging to being sought out by a publishing house
  • How an organic online friendship led to publishing opportunities
  • The process of publishing a children’s picture book
  • The editing process of having a shorter post can work
  • Why reading aloud is so important
  • How blogging can lead to becoming a coach or mentor

Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.


Keith Keller: Twitter in 20 Minute Chunks and Why Do It

Twitter is a Global Village – Grow it Easily!

Podcast Episode 31  – Our second Interview featuring Keith Keller from Global Social Media Coaching

Keith Keller is a “Twitter Marketing Specialist” and has clients around the globe.

He is also a popular speaker on the subject of Social Media (especially Twitter) and has appeared on numerous keith keller aussie bloggers podcastradio shows, teleseminars and webinars across the United States, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia as well as Australia.

Keith’s latest project is all about focusing specifically on harnessing the global possibilities of Twitter in 20 minutes, which is a nice flow on from.


He also has a number of  Twitter training videos available with more titles being added all the time.


So if you’re wanting to be a Twitter Expert like Keith, head over to the Aussie Bloggers Podcast show and listen to our interview with Keith, the Twitter Guru of our time!

In this episode, you learn 3 Strategies to get more followers:

  • How to get people to retweet you
  • How Keith began his love of twitter
  • Steps you can follow to get more followers
  • Keith’s role in the world of twitter
  • Why you should be retweeting
  • How to find the cool people on Twitter
  • Why you need complimentary energy and should be joining up with people
  • What it means to do 3 x 20 minute chunks in twitter time
  • How to advertise to 3.4 million people for FREE

Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.

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Our Favourite Quote from the Episode:

 “Follow People in Your Niche”


Listen to the e-book on soundcloud: Crack the twitter CODE

https://soundcloud.com/CrackTheTwitterCode  or

aussie bloggers podcast


download the ebook at www.keithkeller.com.au


Learn All About Engagement and Blogging as a Business

Podcast Episode 27  – Interview featuring Helen Edwards from Recycled Interiors

aussie bloggers podcast helen edwardsHelen Edwards is an ex social worker and charity founder, turned writer and blogger at Recycled Interiors. With an online following of over 100,000 people, she is one of Australia’s top bloggers.  She has had a number of successful blogs and businesses, has published a children’s picture book and a number of e books. She was a state finalist in the Australian of the Year Awards 2016 and the Telstra Business Women’s Awards 2015 for her work in diabetes. Helen launched www.recycledinteriors.org in 2013  and is a passionate and genuine lover of both people and the planet. She is also an eternal optimist.

Her blog has grown rapidly, and she now has a large online community who are passionate about sustainable decorating and living. She has spent her life helping, nurturing and loving human beings, animals and our earth, and describes herself as a tree hugger (and she hugs trees most days!).

A Mama of 3 gorgeous sons and a wife to Mr Recycled, her goal is to help you to feel good about yourself, your home and your everyday. She wants to inspire you to think before you buy, reduce your waste and lighten your footprint on the planet, while you create a happy, healthy home and a life you can love.

So if you’re looking to blog about the planet and it’s people and you want to know how to do it, head over to the Aussie Bloggers Podcast show and listen to our interview with passionate, happy and healthy Helen!

In this episode with Helen Edwards, you learn:

  • Why she left the area of social work to begin in the digital world
  • How she began her recycled interiors blog and turned it into a business
  • Why people will engage in a group rather than your FB page
  • Why you need to monitor who comes into your group
  • How to use your groups to engage with your blog
  • How often you should post to your group
  • The best way to plan your content
  • Why your blog needs fresh content
  • How to make money from blogging
  • Should you use sidebar ads on your blog?
  • How to make your log a vehicle for your business


Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.






Christina Butcher: Romancer of Hair, Love and Travel!

Learn What it’s Like to Blog with Your Husband!

Podcast Episode 25 – Interview featuring Christina Butcher
Hair Romance Aussie bloggers PodcastChristina Butcher is a full-time blogger and New York Times bestselling author.

When she’s not fighting bad hair days at Hair Romance (http://www.hairromance.com/) or inspiring adventures with her husband Jim at Mr & Mrs Romance, (http://mrandmrsromance.com/) she’s helping bloggers grow their

Little Blog Big (http://littleblogbig.com) with live workshops and networking events.


So if you’re wanting to be a full time blogger, head over to the Aussie Bloggers Podcast show and listen to our interview with Christina!

In this episode, you learn:

  • How Mr and Mrs Romance work together online and offline
  • Christina’s passion and how it has helped her to make money from blogging and you can too!
  • Why an E-Book can launch your blog even further
  • Diverse ways you can monetise your blog
  • How to schedule your ideas
  • How many ideas you need to come up with for your blog
  • How to come up with new blog post ideas
  • Why you need to go “Back to the Basics”
  • Where to go to find “Trending Topics”
  • How to achieve a work/life balance and why Christina doesn’t believe in it
  • How the Hair Romance blog began


Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.

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Kelly Exeter: A Blogger Less Frantic

Learn How to Whitespace and Stop Blogger Overwhelm

Podcast Episode 23 – Interview featuring Kelly Exeter!

kelly exeter aussie bloggers podcastKelly Exeter is the author of Practical Perfection and Your Best Year Ever, Editor of Flying Solo, owner of Swish Design and co-host of two podcasts: Let it Be and Straight and Curly. She’s also a runner, reader, mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend … the list, it goes on! Can someone that busy really lead A Life Less Frantic? That’s what she writes about on her blog at kellyexeter.com.au

So if you want to find out exactly how Kelly fits it all in and still has a life, head over to the Aussie Bloggers Podcast show and listen to our interview with Kelly Exeter!

In this episode, you learn:

  • Why every blogger should build a personal brand
  • Why Kelly goes to Problogger each year
  • Kelly’s framework she developed around Passion, Prioritising, and Productivity and how these 3 give you Practical Perfection
  • What to do when you fall into overwhelm
  • The concept of white space and how you can use it in your life to become for efficient
  • Why Kelly began blogging during a stressful period of her life
  • Why Kelly decided to go from 4 blogs back to 1 personal blog and how it helped her

Subscribe and listen to this episode for free in iTunes today.

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